Monday, November 24, 2014

Turkey Hands that I have Known

I am going to try an experiment. Something I have never done before. I am going to hold a competition. A hand turkey competition.
You have no excuse not to draw a hand turkey. Everyone can draw a hand turkey.

Step 1: Have a hand. Put your hand on a piece of paper. Trace it with a writing utensil of some sort (eating utensils will not do). If you do not have a hand for some reason (for example an alligator ate it) borrow someone else's hand and trace it while holding the marker in your hand. You may also decide to use this approach if you are someone who enjoys being awkward.

Step 2: Make it look like a turkey. This outline of your hand really looks nothing like a turkey. I don't know whose idea this was but it must have been for little kids or someone with a surprising lack of motor function and drawing skill.

Step 3: Add somethings that's cussing interesting. Plain old turkeys will not do. Additions of the following items are welcome: robots, bears, a space battle, Poe, a tank, some pilgrims etc.)

Step 4: Send it to me. Take a picture with your phone and post it somewhere here. Preferably by email Posting on the Facebook page is cool too. Sending it to me by carrier pigeon is okay, but only if the pigeon's name is Steve.
If no one sends me a hand turkey picture I will be sad.

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